Economy of Effort

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“Football weather” is finally starting to peek its head into the Valley. We had a nice little rainstorm early in the week. still has warm weather for us for the next week and a half though. It’s damn near October, get this Valley heat the hell away from us already.

This year, I am following college football more closely than before. I have followed Fresno State closely since coming here, but now I am trying to follow the rest of the NCAA as well. Right now, Oregon is up 10-0 on USC. How long do you think that will last? Fresno gets their shot at USC late in the season, would be nice if SC was still undefeated, just to preserve a slim chance of Fresno getting to be the world-shockers.

I also am paying more attention to hockey. I’m definitely looking forward to the new & improved NHL this year, and I will be at a lot more Fresno Falcons games this season than I was last year. Lots of LA Kings games on FOX Sports West this year, I can’t wait.

SOCOM III is coming. October 11th. Be prepared, or die.
